ART Vascular & Interventional Specialists are experienced and successful in dealing with consequences of varicose veins and spider veins including leg cramps, leg heaviness, leg pain with standing, restless legs, skin changes, leg ulcers and leg discoloration. Varicose veins are overfilled veins and appear bulging, lumpy or twisted. They can lead to leg discoloration and leg ulcers. Our board-certified vascular physicians offer in office diagnostic testing and will customize a treatment plan to address your varicose veins. Our medical team will focus on treating your varicose veins to eliminate them and the symptoms they cause.
Varicose veins are caused by veins becoming overfilled due to failing valves. When valves fails instead of leg muscles pumping blood towards the heart as me move blood refluxes towards the feet and veins fill and bulge. A range of symptoms can develop due to the bulging vessels.
Varicose are usually easily seen. However, our physician team has in office diagnostic technologies to help assess how severe they are and the best method to treat them. Besides our careful history and physical exam, the team at ART Vascular may obtain ultrasound studies or CT scans, to aid with accurate diagnoses and help develop your treatment plan, if needed.
For varicose veins, our physicians will determine which minimally invasive vascular interventional radiology procedures can address your situation and to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Treatments may include:
Leg ulcers are often due to arterial or venous disease or a combination of both. Often age-related changes can cause non healing leg wounds including:
Peripheral artery disease: Arterial hardening and narrowing causes decreased blood flow in the legs which can starve your tissues of oxygen. Arterial ulcers usually occur on the end of toes or between them, on the heels or on the outer ankle. They are often “dry”.
Chronic venous insufficiency: if veins fail to return blood, pressure builds up preventing tissue from getting the oxygen they need. Swelling, discoloration, leg heaviness and itchiness may precede ulcers. These usually occur on the around the ankle on the inside. They are often “wet” and “weepy”.
For leg ulcers due to peripheral arterial disease after diagnosis with angiography, treatments may include lifestyle changes, medications combined with treating your arteries with angioplasty and stents.
For leg ulcers due to chronic venous insufficiency, treatments may include compression stockings, exercise or specialized advanced treatments including endovenous radiofrequency treatment of varicose veins. This redirects flow into healthy veins and allows leg ulcers to heal.
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